Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Phone Interview!

After not even 24 hours of sending in my application, I was already moving on to the phone interview. When I got the email to schedule my appointment, for whatever reason it was only giving me time slots for the next morning. Essentially I only had about a 12 hour warning before going into it. So, I scheduled it for 10:15 a.m. and made a little page in my notebook with tips and a few reminders to help me answers difficult questions I found online. It also had a spot for me to write down my interviewers name so I wouldn't forget it, and  a huge note reminding me to smile because you can definitely tell when someone is smiling when they are speaking. It makes a huge difference!!
So the next morning I had four alarms set but I just kept hitting snooze until about 9:55 rolled around which was a silly mistake. I just kinda wiped the sleep out of my eyes, put on my mouse ears (I had slept in a Mickey shirt), and put my notebook in front of me with some Disney Spotify on. Looking over my notes I realized there were some questions I wanted to look up real quick but as I has opened my laptop my music stopped and I had a phone call from restricted about 8 minutes early.

As far as the interview went, Deena was super friendly and definitely gave the whole process a very relaxed vibe. I'm the kind of person who won't order Pizza if I have to speak to someone over the phone but I was so comfortable during this whole thing. She had introduced herself, confirmed a couple of things with me, and told me the interview would take about 20 minutes (it took almost 23 so right on!). It went by quick and I felt like I wasn't asked a lot of questions like other people were, mainly ones that were generic and basic so I didn't have much time to shine and show off my Disney love but I'm totally cool with that and I think she seemed to get that regardless.

Here are the questions I was asked:

1) Tell me about your prior work experience/ any additional work such as volunteering.

2)What would you do/how do you respond in the event of an emergency?

3) Tell me about a time you dealt with a difficult customer.

4) Tell me about a time within your job where you multitasked.

5) Are you team-oriented or do you prefer working solo?

6) Are you familiar with the Disney look?/ Do you have piercings/tattoos that wouldn't be covered up if you were in a one piece bathing suit?

7) How will working with the diversity and different cultures in Walt Disney World benefit your future job/ help you within your major specifically? (My major is Radio/ TV/ Film)

These following questions are based off the roles I selected for HIGH INTEREST.
(Character Performer, Character Attendant, Attractions, Vacation Planner, and possibly a few others)
P.S. sometimes people get asked their top 3/4 roles so have those in mind just in case)

8) What makes you interested in vacation planning? You understand that this is a sales oriented role?

9) What Character Performer Audition will you be attending?

10) Let's say you were a Character Attendant and Mickey needed to go in for a 5 minute break, what would you tell guests?

11) How well are you with speaking in front of crowds?/ How do you feel about having a memorized spiel for certain attractions?

12) Which role are you most qualified for and why?

That's it for the most-part. At the end of the interview, thank your interviewer by name and try to ask a question or two so you seem really interested! I had actually asked a question mid interview that Deena didn't know and had to ask her supervisor so don't be hesitant! Above all be honest because they're trying to find a role that that believe both you and the company could benefit from! If you have any questions on my specific answers just ask me I'd be happy to answer! I also had so many ideas for other questions that some other interviewees get asked that I didn't so I would even help you with questions not listed here! Good luck :)

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