Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Phone Interview!

After not even 24 hours of sending in my application, I was already moving on to the phone interview. When I got the email to schedule my appointment, for whatever reason it was only giving me time slots for the next morning. Essentially I only had about a 12 hour warning before going into it. So, I scheduled it for 10:15 a.m. and made a little page in my notebook with tips and a few reminders to help me answers difficult questions I found online. It also had a spot for me to write down my interviewers name so I wouldn't forget it, and  a huge note reminding me to smile because you can definitely tell when someone is smiling when they are speaking. It makes a huge difference!!
So the next morning I had four alarms set but I just kept hitting snooze until about 9:55 rolled around which was a silly mistake. I just kinda wiped the sleep out of my eyes, put on my mouse ears (I had slept in a Mickey shirt), and put my notebook in front of me with some Disney Spotify on. Looking over my notes I realized there were some questions I wanted to look up real quick but as I has opened my laptop my music stopped and I had a phone call from restricted about 8 minutes early.

As far as the interview went, Deena was super friendly and definitely gave the whole process a very relaxed vibe. I'm the kind of person who won't order Pizza if I have to speak to someone over the phone but I was so comfortable during this whole thing. She had introduced herself, confirmed a couple of things with me, and told me the interview would take about 20 minutes (it took almost 23 so right on!). It went by quick and I felt like I wasn't asked a lot of questions like other people were, mainly ones that were generic and basic so I didn't have much time to shine and show off my Disney love but I'm totally cool with that and I think she seemed to get that regardless.

Here are the questions I was asked:

1) Tell me about your prior work experience/ any additional work such as volunteering.

2)What would you do/how do you respond in the event of an emergency?

3) Tell me about a time you dealt with a difficult customer.

4) Tell me about a time within your job where you multitasked.

5) Are you team-oriented or do you prefer working solo?

6) Are you familiar with the Disney look?/ Do you have piercings/tattoos that wouldn't be covered up if you were in a one piece bathing suit?

7) How will working with the diversity and different cultures in Walt Disney World benefit your future job/ help you within your major specifically? (My major is Radio/ TV/ Film)

These following questions are based off the roles I selected for HIGH INTEREST.
(Character Performer, Character Attendant, Attractions, Vacation Planner, and possibly a few others)
P.S. sometimes people get asked their top 3/4 roles so have those in mind just in case)

8) What makes you interested in vacation planning? You understand that this is a sales oriented role?

9) What Character Performer Audition will you be attending?

10) Let's say you were a Character Attendant and Mickey needed to go in for a 5 minute break, what would you tell guests?

11) How well are you with speaking in front of crowds?/ How do you feel about having a memorized spiel for certain attractions?

12) Which role are you most qualified for and why?

That's it for the most-part. At the end of the interview, thank your interviewer by name and try to ask a question or two so you seem really interested! I had actually asked a question mid interview that Deena didn't know and had to ask her supervisor so don't be hesitant! Above all be honest because they're trying to find a role that that believe both you and the company could benefit from! If you have any questions on my specific answers just ask me I'd be happy to answer! I also had so many ideas for other questions that some other interviewees get asked that I didn't so I would even help you with questions not listed here! Good luck :)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Application Process + WBI

So since I am a Freshman, I had always said that I would wait until at LEAST sophomore year to apply for the DCP because I wanted to at least get a year under my belt before leaving. But the other night, on September 17th, nearly a month after applications went live I just felt so compelled to give it a shot. I thought to myself, why the heck not because if I don't make it no big deal and at least I have the experience of the whole process for when I actually want to apply for the real deal.
But then, for whatever reason, after submitting my application at 11:30 at night on a complete whim, I got so excited. It was like after it was submitting I finally got the first real feeling that I could be in Disney for 3-6 months after one semester. Something I have been waiting for l i t e r a l l y four years. That's when I has decided that I REALLY really wanted to be in Disney World ASAP.

So about an hour after finishing my application I received this email

and then an hour later, this one

But I didn't open the second until the next morning. So, I gave it time and I didn't open it right away. I went through my morning routine and paced myself. Then when it came time for the actual interview it was a little noisy around me but I managed to get through it fine anyway. You have to be very honest with yourself when you do this because it will trick you and ask very similar questions spread apart to see if youre just putting down what they want to hear and to make sure youre giving similar answers. Each question is timed and so I read them out loud and that definitely helped me get through them all.  At the end of the WBI it immediately tells you whether or not you are moving on to the Phone Interview or if you're NLIC (no longer in consideration).

Once I saw that screen I was freaking out and I got an email not too longer after asking me to schedule my phone interview. So, phone interview tips + the questions I personally were asked are soon to follow :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

An intro into my extra ordinary life

Hi everyone! I don't know how many people are actually going to be reading this but I figured I wanted somewhere to look back on as I physically documented my little Disney adventure I'm looking to go on.

First off, Hi. I'm Ashley
I just turned 18 last week and I'm a Freshman at Rowan University. It's a state-school in NJ and I love it a lot.
I love Disney and Harry Potter and Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato and One Direction and Batman and The Breakfast Club and walking around with no shoes on and binge reading with Chamomile tea and Rocky Road Ice cream and Dove chocolate and sweatshirts.

As white girl as I am, I don't like coffee or Starbucks, so sorry to disappoint.

I'm a Christian. I recently went on a missions trip to South Dakota over the summer, and on the way visited both Chicago and Minneapolis (so yes, I went to the Mall of America!!)
I have three older brothers, so I am the princess youngest child and only girl. I have a nerd side and I love the game Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: TLA/Korra, and if it means anything to you (which it should) I can recite the Pokerap.

I've been to Walt Disney World only three times that I can remember, but I obviously have a fair share of Disney park knowledge. I do run a tumblr and although I have been MIA lately, I'm planning on once again become super active so give me a follow! Also, I'm hoping to start of a VLOG series documenting my journey through the DCP so wish me luck. My next post will be about my adventure (thus-far) applying to Spring 2015 program so... stay tuned :)